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Assembly Source File
203 lines
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;PASSWORD.ASM (creates PWORD.SYS, device driver)
;DOS 2.00 Device driver forces user to enter password on booting up
;and disables Ctrl-Break.
;After assembly: link PASSWORD (ignore "no STACK" error)
; reboot system with Ctrl-Alt-Del
; answer prompt with: PassWord <enter>
dev_seg segment
pword_device proc far
assume cs:dev_seg,ds:dev_seg,es:dev_seg
;The following lines are the device header, which must exist for
;every device. This file has only one device, and it works with
;character I/O. It doesn't actually handle any I/O services,
;but it's easier to create a character device.
pword_dev_header: ;label for the start of the device driver
next_dev_ptr dd -1 ;only 1 device is defined in this file
dev_attribute dw 8000h ;character device (simpler that way)
strategy_ptr dw strategy ;the installation proc
interrupt_ptr dw interrupt ;the proc that handles all service requests
device_name db 'PASSWORD' ;8-byte string of device name
;--- This is the stroage area for the password --
;--- The first byte is the length (0-16) --------
;--- The following characters are the password --
;--- Only an exact match will allow the system --
;--- to continue the boot process ---------------
password_store db 8,'PassWord'
db $-password_store dup(' ') ;leave room for a
;16 character password
in_buf_max db 16 ;input buffer for reading password from user
in_buf_len db ? ;it is set up for DOS service OAH, BUFFERED_INPUT
in_buf db 16 dup(?)
;----- The STRATEGY proc stores ES:BX request header pointer here
;----- The INTERRUPT proc retrieves it
request_ptr label dword ;defined as double word for LES opcode
req_ptr_off dw ? ;and as two words for MOV opcodes
req_ptr_seg dw ?
dummy_iret: ;Ctrl-Break vector is pointed here, so it
iret ;does nothing. Break is not recognized.
;These messages are expected to be output via the ANSI.SYS device,
;so it should be installed (named in the CONFIG.SYS file) before
;this PWORD device.
;If you don't want to use ANSI.SYS, remove the ESC sequences in the messages.
lf equ 0ah
cr equ 0dh
esc equ 1bh
msg_1 db cr,lf,esc,'[0m' ;make output visible
db 'Enter Password: '
db esc,'[8m$' ;make input invisible
msg_2 db cr,lf,esc,'0m' ;make output visible
db 'Password accepted.',cr,lf,'$'
;STRATEGY procedure
;Just saves the request header pointer for the INTERRUPT proc
strategy proc far
assume cs:dev_seg
mov cs:req_ptr_off,bx
mov cs:req_ptr_seg,es
ret ;far return to DOS
strategy endp
;INTERRUPT procedure
;Processes the command indicated in the request header.
interrupt proc far
assume cs:dev_seg,ds:nothing, es:nothing
push ds ;preserve all registers
push es
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
mov ax,cs ;make DS address the
mov ds,ax ;program data area
les bx,request_ptr ;get the pointer saved by
mov al,es:[bx+2] ;fetch the command
cmp al,0
je init_fn ;only valid request in INI
or word ptr es:[bx+3],8003H ;indicate error cod
;"Unknown command"
;---- interrupt service request has been handled.
;---- Set he "done flag" and return to DOS.
or word ptr es:[bx+3],100H ;set the done bit
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
ret ;far return
;---- Only the INIT function is handled by the PWORD device
;---- all other requests are routed through the error_exit.
;INIT_FN procedure
;prompts the user for a password, keeps prompting until correct entry
;received, Passes the address of this proc back to DOS as the end-of-driver
;address so that a minimum amount of storage is used.
init_fn proc near
push es
;The following 4 lines eliminate Ctrl-Break from having
;any effect on the system, unless another program
;KEYBOARD_BREAK vector is altered (BASIC does that).
mov ax,0
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[1Bh*4],offset dummy_iret
mov word ptr es:[1Bh*4+2],cs
jmp short no_beep
mov al,7 ;bel character
mov ah,0EH ;WRITE_TTY service
int 10h
mov dx,offset msg_1 ;"Enter Password:"
mov ah,9 ;DOS print string service
int 21H
mov dx,offset in_buf_max
mov ah,0Ch ;clear input buffer and..
mov al,0Ah ;input a line of character
int 21H
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax ;set ES to target password
;DS already points to user
mov si,offset in_buf_len
mov ch,0
mov cl,[si]
cmp cl,[di] ;are lengths the same?
jne try_again
inc di ;point to first characters
inc si ;of both strings
rep cmpsb ;all chars the same?
jne try_again ;no, start over
mov dx,offset msg_2 ;"Password accepted"
mov ah,9
int 21H
;---- now exit from INIT procedure -----------------------------
;---- retain only the minimum amount of code -------------------
;---- to handle erroneous service requests ---------------------
pop es
mov word ptr es:[bx+0EH],offset init_fn
mov word ptr es:[bx+10H],cs
jmp common_exit
init_fn endp
interrupt endp
pword_device endp
dev_seg ends
end pword_dev_header ;must specify end for EXE2